Swift Vetting $ Verifivcation Network was born out of a necessity where fiscal responsibility and expert due diligence meet sound investigative principles and peerless customer service. We came to provide custom and talilored services
Swift Vetting & Verification Network provides custom vetting solutions which helps organizations mitigate risk. While focused on solid investigative methodologies, we are attuned to the requirements of our customers
We always strive to achieve cost and screening process efficiencies which enable our clients to deploy effective and fully compliant vetting programs, which involves rigorous background screening with niche models and technologies
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to anything, so. we take time to assess the needs of clients and then formulate tailor made solutions. Our integrations and customizations within HRIS (Human Resource Information System) and ATS (Applicant Tracking System) architectures are part of the Swift Vetting & Verification Network Inc. suite of products and services, employing the correct vetting tools optimizes our resources and produce results
First and foremost, we are an organization designed and dedicated to providing a superior level and tailor made customer service — and it is our heartfelt desire to carry this unwavering foundational core principle forward, no matter what your need may be, we are the prefered and will be grateful for your business and we are humbled that you have chosen to put your faith and trust in us to deliver your screening, vetting and investigative services.
SwiftVet is your one-stop agency when it comes to background checks, investigative services, vetting and verification, drug testing services, intelligence support and risk management