>We thoroughly investigate all potential enployees and candidates before any form of employment or approval is granted to the applicant
Investigative Services
SwiftVet offers wide range of investigative services which are timely, thorough and discreet and are tailored to each client’s needs with time-bound results
Vetting And Verification
Our vetting and verification entails gathering information on cyber and real life, conducted with honesty, integrity, transparency and speed
Drug Testing Services
Pre-employment and post-employment drug testing solutions, we also offer independent drug testing for athlete and sportsmen and women world-wide
Intelligence Support
Asymmetric warfare, counterinsurgency, special operations, counterintelligence, human Intelligence (HUMINT) and signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Risk Management
The evaluation of financial risks with the procedures to avoid or minimize their impact, we use modern technology to update our clients of potential threat
Some Customers
SwiftVet is your one-stop agency when it comes to background checks, investigative services, vetting and verification, drug testing services, intelligence support and risk management