A human microchip implant is an identifying integrated circuit put under the skin of a human. The chip, about the size of a large grain of rice, uses passive radio-frequency identification technology, and is also known as a PIT tag. Some companies have gone as far as forcing their employees to implant microchips but experts on workplace law and technology worry the rice-sized microchips can open up massive questions about worker privacy and company surveillance. The chip can also be implanted for personal reasons and is typically inserted between the thumb and index finger. The chips sell for $50, plus an optional $50 for insertion with an affiliated doctor or piercing expert
Automatically detect the behaviors of people and prioritize compromised attitudes and devices that exposes users to such risky behavoiral lifestyle of the subject, this is done with the aid of Cloud Service Provider (CSP). These device alerts the user when a visible threat is detected in the cloud and offer possible solutions on measures to protect and keep yourself safe and secured
SwiftVet is your one-stop agency when it comes to background checks, investigative services, vetting and verification, drug testing services, intelligence support and risk management